What is Watsu? By definition, Watsu means"marriage" or"direct coordination between components." It is also known as"laying on hands" or"considered treatment." It's often confused with Swedish massage.According to Dr. Hayashi, author of Watsu and Therapeutic Massage, the practice is made up of … [Read more...] about Chiropractic And Watsu Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy
What is Myofascial Release (MFR)? Self-myofascial Release (SMFR), also known as transcutaneous release, is a method for rehabilitation and rehab with an EMS object as a stimulus-transducer. This is done with minimal motion or effort required in the person. The objective of self-myofascial Release … [Read more...] about Trigger Point Therapy
Thai Massage Therapy – What You Will Need To Know
Thai massage is an ancient therapeutic combination combining physical acupressure, herbal remedies, and postures derived from Ayurvedic medicine. The concept of Shen lines (aliases as per the original philosophy of yoga) was introduced is"Thai massage". These are extremely similar to nekrim in … [Read more...] about Thai Massage Therapy – What You Will Need To Know
Trigger Point Massage For Poor Posture
Trigger point massage is a type of massage which focuses on the deeper layers of the skin to release the stress and tension that has built up. It can be utilized as a remedy to help prevent injuries, reduce swelling and increase range of motion. Trigger point massage is often recommended as a … [Read more...] about Trigger Point Massage For Poor Posture